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"People that serve in the armed forces learn to become part of a brotherhood that is the fabric that bonds us together. We learn to live, laugh, and fight for one another; to be part of something bigger.
When we serve, we still search out that brotherhood. Some find "it"; some do not. I am fortunate to have found a group of like minded people that have either served or want to help servcie members find that "thing" to be apart of it. Off road racing provides us the environment that requires team effort, sacrafice, selfless service, mission focus, and for all to service with purpose and ultiately, one goal. Sound framiliar? if you or someone you know needs to find "it" and are interested in becoming a part of what we do; Please reach out to us, or send them our way, it may just be the misssion they are missing in their life. We might be able to help them find "it" the way i did, with Veterans Racing Alliance (VRA). The weekend I just had with them at the SNORE Rage At The River was amazing! I drove down from Eureka, Montana to Laughlin, Nevada to meet these guys and see what they're all about. Not only did they welcome me into the team, but they also honored me with allowing me to co-pilot in the Razor pro R in the Unlimited SXS class. I had an awesome time! We all pitched in, had a great time and finished the race strong. This weekend of racing and camaraderie definitely helped me find "it", and I look forward to being a part of the team in future race events. If you are a veteran, active duty, come join us, even if you have no experience; we will train you and get you mission ready and do our best to get you in a race car. "
Armondo Vidalez, 20 years in the Army
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